Excess fat around your middle is the number one researched term for liposuction. Are you tired of spending months of dieting and long hours in the gym to get that elusive chiseled abdomen look? Abdominal liposuction could be the answer you are looking for to lose that last five pounds around your abdominal fat and show your abdominal muscles. Abdominal liposuction can help you eliminate those stubborn fat deposits that do not respond to the hours you have spent in the gym. If your current diet and food restrictions have not given give you the slimmer, fitter, more defined look you have been dreaming of, you should consider abdominal liposuction.

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What is Abdominal Liposuction?

Abdominal liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure that targets the localized fat deposits around your stomach through suction. It is a surgical procedure performed using a local anesthetic in the doctor’s office in less than two hours. It’s the perfect choice for you if you have fat around your abdominal area. It is not a replacement for weight loss. Since the procedure uses Laser-Lipo to physically remove the fat cells from your abdomen, it’s ideal for body contouring and giving you a well-defined core.

How Does Abdominal Liposuction Work?

With abdominal liposuction, you only need a few small incisions to get the results you’re looking for. At Texas Liposuction Specialty Clinic, our nationally-renowned surgeons use a cannula to target and suction fat from the areas of your stomach that you want to slim. We use the Awake Liposuction method. This means that instead of general anesthesia and its increased risks, we use only local anesthesia and mild sedation.

Abdominal Liposuction vs. Tummy Tuck

We hear a lot about these two procedures, but they are entirely different: The abdominal liposuction procedure eliminates fat using a powered sucking device called a cannula that removes fat cells and tissue. It is done under local anesthesia. It is recommended for patients with good skin elasticity. It works best for men and women with a BMI of 30 or less. Abdominal liposuction is an outpatient cosmetic surgery procedure done generally in less than two hours. It does not leave any scars. Tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure performed on the lower abdomen. It involves general anesthesia.  The plastic surgeon will perform two cuts to remove loose skin. He will sew the muscles in your abdominal wall together if they have become stretched out. He will then pull the skin tight over your stomach. It is recommended for patients who have lost elasticity due to pregnancy and have excess skin that cannot resorb itself with exercise and diet in their midsection. There will be visible scars where the doctor has performed the incisions to remove the excess skin.

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Who is a Good Candidate for Abdominal Liposuction?

We also look for patients who have good skin elasticity to resorb lower abdomen loose skin. To determine if you’re an excellent candidate to get rid of your abdomen fat using liposuction, ask yourself a few questions:

If you responded yes to all these questions, you are a good candidate for the surgery.

Who is Going to Perform my Lipo Surgery in Houston, Texas?

Our doctors are members of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery and the American Society of Liposuction Surgery. Our surgeons have performed many liposuction surgeries and are recognized as one of the best in Texas. Our surgeons are board certified plastic surgeons in Central Texas with additional aesthetic fellowship training. They specialize in Aesthetic Surgery of the breast and body.

Our doctors will be able to answer all your questions concerning this procedure and will personally handle your case from your preliminary consult and the post-op. His dedication and expertise are unsurpassed in this precise procedure.

Preparing for Abdominal Liposuction

To get ready for the day itself, you’ll want to:

What Happens on the Day of Your Surgery?

You have come in having organized a lift to take you home. You will be meeting with your surgeon to review your pre-op tests, discuss the procedure, and answer any last-minute questions you may have. The cosmetic surgeon might draw on your body the areas on which he will perform lipo You will receive a mild sedative to make it a more pleasant experience. Tumescent liposuction does not require general anesthesia, which allows you to talk to your surgeon during the whole procedure.

Tumescent Liposuction: The surgeon will start with small incisions. He injects a combination of lidocaine, sodium bicarbonate, and epinephrine mixed in a Saline solution to numb the area. The doctor will then use a cannula to access the fat deposits. Fat transfers to other areas of your body are currently very popular. You may combine your stomach liposuction with a Brazilian butt lift. Our liposuction surgeons offer revolutionary ways to combat fat while sculpting and contouring your body. If you do not avail yourself of a fat transfer, the cannula is equipped with a laser fiber that will liquefy the fat cells. They will be sucked out, and the body will expel the remaining dead tissue over time.

The surgeon can utilize the SmartLipo Triplex laser during the surgery so we can achieve superior skin tightening. The body will create new collagen, and the skin will tighten a few weeks after the surgery. As part of the surgery, the doctor will perform body contouring.

These liposuction techniques are different for men and women. Men may go for six-pack abdominal muscles, and women prefer rounder and fitting curves. Sculpting is an art whether you are Michelangelo or a cosmetic liposuction surgeon.

We know you are in good hands because our surgeons are experts in tummy liposuction and will give you precisely what you want. After your surgery, you will receive a follow-up appointment and contact info. Make sure you have a ride home. A few days later, you will have a post-op check-up to see your progress.

Results You Can Expect from Abdominal Liposuction

Abdominal liposuction is fantastic for getting rid of stubborn fat deposits in your stomach area. But, will you see a 6-pack ab after the procedure? The answer is maybe. Some patients do see those abs pop out once the layer of fat covering them is gone, but not always. What you can count on, though, is a tighter, flatter stomach, improved muscle definition, and an overall slimmer look in the treated areas.

Recovery / Downtime

The recovery time for abdominal liposuction can be anywhere from 4-12 weeks. The first 36-72 hours after treatment is the most uncomfortable part of recovery. Patients often experience a combination of numbness and soreness as the anesthetic wears off. Avoid activities that involve twisting, turning in the first three days after surgery to minimize soreness. During this time, patients may take medication prescribed or recommended by our surgeons to help them manage discomfort. All patients should observe the following guidelines for recovery after an abdomen/tummy liposuction procedure:

Recycle the Fat!

We highly recommend that you discuss a fat transfer procedure in conjunction with your fat removal surgery. Trendy cosmetic procedures include BBL, Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation, and gluteus augmentation.

What are the risks associated with the procedure?

Like all operative procedures, there is a risk of infection.  But at our facility, we have a very low infection rate well below 1%. Contour irregularities can also occur when doing the procedure. A signed consent form is required stating that the patient is aware of the benefits and associated risks of the process. In extremely rare cases, blood clots and fat embolism have been reported as risk factors that patients should be aware of. Liposuction of the abdomen is one of our most requested procedure, and we feel confident that we can minimize all risks as your safety and satisfaction is our primary concern

Abdominal Liposuction with Brazilian Butt Lift

If you’re looking to put those fat cells that were removed with liposuction to good use, you might consider adding a Brazilian Butt Lift to your procedure to get even sexier curves. A Brazilian Butt Lift is a procedure where the fat cells harvested during liposuction are purified, the healthiest ones chosen, and then injected into your buttocks to lift, firm, and augment.

Abdominal Liposuction Plus Skin Tightening with J-Plasma

Many patients also choose to do abdominal liposuction with skin Tightening using J-Plasma. J-Plasma uses an innovative radio-frequency (RF) waveform technology that works in combination with helium gas to tighten your abdomen’s skin to prevent sagging. It can give you a tighter, sculpted, and more youthful look.

How Much Does Abdominal Liposuction Cost?

Of course, you’re also probably wondering how much you can expect to pay for abdominal liposuction in Texas. We believe in clear, straightforward, transparent pricing, we’ve got that answer here too. Here, the price you’re quoted for abdominal liposuction is all-inclusive, with no hidden fees. It covers:

EXAMPLE: if you’re a woman of average size (5’2″ and 135 lbs.) you can expect the cost of abdominal liposuction to be $4,000 – $4,500.Of course, this is the price could fluctuate 10 – 15% up or down depending on your size and the amount of fat you want to be removed.

Can I Get Financing for Abdominal Liposuction?

At Texas Liposuction Specialty Clinic, we understand the challenges that can sometimes come with paying for your abdominal liposuction so that you can finally get the body you’ve been dreaming of. However, we also know that reshaping your body is about more than your abdomen…It’s about your confidence, the way you feel every time you look in the mirror, and about how you feel when you’re out in the world. That’s why we’ve partnered with several reputable finance companies who can help you understand your options.  You can set up a monthly payment plan that can make getting your liposuction procedure both easy and affordable.

Slim, Sleek, and Toned

Liposuction is a perfect choice if you want to contour and shape your abdomen, get a slimmer, fitter, more toned core.So, if you’re ready to transform your abdomen, don’t forget to schedule your complimentary consultation today for your Abdominal Liposuction in Texas by calling (713) 401-9090 Your new body is waiting.