Smart lipo also known as laser liposuction is a liposuction procedure which removes and melts fat cells in the most safest form. This is not a weight loss procedure but is a body contouring procedure combined with skin tightening procedure. During your initial consultation, our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Eric Payne, will design a unique plan and discuss the risk and benefits of smart lipo.

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What is Smart Lipo?

Smart lipo is a less invasive and has lower risk when compared to other cosmetic surgery procedures and is nearly as low risk as traditional liposuction. This cosmetic procedure was approved by FDA in 2006.

Which Areas Can Smart Lipo Treat?

Almost any areas with excess fat can be treated with smart lipo. These areas include:

Am I a Good Candidate for Smart Lipo?

An ideal candidate for smart lipo are women and men in overall good health who are maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly.

Why Choose Smart Lipo Over Traditional Liposuction?

Traditional liposuction uses a large cannula with powerful suction in a setting using general anesthesia and local anesthesia. Smart lipo uses the most advanced technology leaving you with a smooth recovery time. With this technique your board certified plastic surgeon with preform the surgery safer, quicker with long lasting results. In this same surgical procedure, a plastic surgeon can also perform body contouring, body sculpting in different body areas known as smart lipo. This cosmetic procedure is performed by make small incisions by inserting a microcannula to have accessibility to the fat deposits. The cannula extracts the excess fat and liquifies the fat deposits by the heat that is produced by the laser. The laser fiber will assist to seal the blood vessels, minimize overall bleeding, bruising and swelling. After your surgery, the laser treated area will produce new collagen which will result in the skin to minimize dimpling and for the skin to appear tighter.

What are the Benefits of Smart Lipo?

How do I Prepare for Laser Liposuction Surgery?

In order to prepare for your minimally invasive procedure, we recommend for you to follow the following instructions:

  • Stop smoking months in advance prior to your surgery.
  • Get your prescriptions filled beforehand for convenience after surgery.
  • Prepare loose fitted clothing and comfortable clothing after surgery.
  • Organize transportation to and from your surgical facility.

What Can I Expect From Smart Lipo?

Smart lipo is usually performed in a few hours for each treatment area. There is minimal downtime. Patients can return to work the following day after this plastic surgery procedure. Normal side effects to expect after your procedure are swelling, bruising, bleeding and numbness. These side effects should reside within 24-48 hours after your surgery. You may resume to normal activities after the first few weeks. No strenuous activity after surgery. We advise our patients to wear a compression garment covering the body area that has just been treated. This garment will allow the contouring procedure to reduce swelling while maximizing your body contouring results. You will have small incisions which will heal overtime. A healthy diet of lean protein, fresh fruits, and vegetables is essential for a speedy and successful recovery. If you regain fat, it usually stores itself in other parts first before returning to the treated areas. Orange peel appearance of cellulite may diminish once you have new collagen production.

What is the Smart Lipo Recovery Period Like?

When compared to other cosmetic procedures like a tummy tuck and facelift, the recovery process after Smart Lipo is relatively smooth. Most patients heal fairly quickly relative to other plastic surgeries and discomfort is minimal. Men and women are typically able to manage any discomfort with over-the-counter pain medications. Although some downtime is necessary, patients feel well enough to resume light activities after a few days. We encourage walking around the house, standing, and other forms of light ambulation as soon as you feel up to it to promote blood flow. That said, getting plenty of rest during the healing process is key, and we encourage individuals to not rush their recovery period.

Normal side effects after your procedure include swelling, bruising, bleeding, and numbness. These reactions should resolve within 24 to 48 hours after your surgery. You may resume normal activities after the first few weeks.

No strenuous activity is permitted after surgery. We advise our patients to wear a compression garment covering the body area that has just been treated. This garment will allow the contouring procedure to reduce swelling while maximizing your body contouring results. You will have small incisions, which will heal overtime. A healthy diet of lean protein, fresh fruits, and vegetables is essential for a speedy and successful recovery. If you regain fat, it usually stores itself in other parts first before returning to the treated areas. An “orange peel” appearance of cellulite may diminish once you have new collagen production.

Is Non-Surgical Smart Lipo Possible?

Since Smart Lipo uniquely offers the benefits of both fat removal and skin tightening, there is no non-surgical equivalent that can replicate the high-quality results achieved with the procedure. Unlike non-surgical treatments, Smart Lipo is performed by liposuction specialists who have the skill and experience to create the custom contours that each patient desires. Even with non-surgical methods of fat removal, there is less control over the aesthetic outcome and it usually takes multiple treatment sessions to achieve the final results. In addition, the desired results generally unfold over several months. In contrast, Smart Lipo offers improvement that’s almost immediately noticeable.

Are There Alternatives to Smart Lipo?

What Kind of Smart Lipo Results Can I Expect From Surgery?

After your cosmetic procedures your overall confidence will boost with no more loose skin and sagging skin. This will enable you to wear flattering clothing and bathing suites. Excess skin may appear but once the new collagen forms, your skin should tighten over time with proper exercise and diet.

Does Smart Lipo Work for Weight Loss?

It is important to be aware that liposuction procedure is not a weight loss procedure. This procedure is designed to get rid of excess fat that you are not able to lose by exercise and diet and is mainly designed to sculpt the body into a more pleasing shape.

How Long Does Smart Lipo Take?

The duration of the procedure will vary depending on the size and the number of areas treated. Once your unique treatment planned is designed, the duration of your specific treatment plan with be discussed at the time of your consultation visit.

Will I Have Scarring After Smart Lipo?

There will be small incisions made during your procedure. If there are any scarring they are typically very small. This can vary between patient to patient and can heal over time.

How Long Do Smart Lipo Results Last?

When fat cells are removed by laser energy, they most likely will not return. With proper dieting and daily exercise your results can last for years. It is important to avoid any future weight fluctuations.

How Much Does Smart Lipo Cost?

Texas Liposuction offers best pricings even when compared to San Francisco. The cost can vary depending on the amount of excess fat that will need to be removed. Typically smart lipo can cost anywhere from $5,000-$10,000.

Schedule a Consultation today!

Contact a member of the Texas Liposuction Specialty Clinic today to schedule your initial consultation for your Liposuction with Dr. Payne.