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Chin reduction surgery is a medical procedure designed to reduce excess bone and tissue around a prominent or disproportionately large chin. This procedure will provide a balanced look to the face with a more flattering, aesthetically pleasing jawline. If you are bothered by the appearance of your chin, Dr. Eric Payne — a highly trained craniofacial plastic surgeon — can reduce your chin while giving it a more natural shape. He has extensive experience as a plastic surgeon who specializes in craniofacial and maxillofacial surgery, which takes into account every detail. He will work to shape your chin and to bring balance to your face.

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Who Can Benefit From Chin Reduction?

Anyone who feels like their chin is too large or prominent can benefit from the chin reduction procedure. If your chin is larger than the proportions of your face or if you simply wish for a smaller, more symmetrical chin shape, then you may want to consider this procedure. Chin reduction surgery targets these areas of concern:

  • The bone length or size
  • The skin along with the soft tissue surrounding the bone

The goal of chin reduction is to achieve better facial harmony and facial proportion with this cosmetic surgery. Liposuction of the neck can be combined with chin reduction to help define the jawline. Dr. Payne will evaluate your personal needs and walk you through how your chin reduction treatment will likely proceed.

How is the Chin Reduction Procedure Performed?

Chin reduction surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Typically, the incision for chin reduction is underneath the chin to allow for reshaping/reducing the bone as well as removing skin and soft tissue. The incision will heal either as a straight line scar or an upside down “T” shaped scar under the jawline. These types of scars heal favorably and are often difficult to notice.

What Can I Expect During the Chin Reduction Recovery Period?

The average time for recovery is about two weeks and there is usually minimal swelling that resolves in four to eight weeks. You can expect to have a natural profile that is proportionate to your facial features. After your surgery, you will need to sleep with your head elevated. Swelling will fluctuate depending on your position. It is recommended to use a chin garment to reduce swelling and fluid buildup for the first two weeks. We recommend a liquid diet for the first three days if there is an incision inside the mouth, then a soft food diet for the first two weeks after surgery to help with discomfort. You can use a soft toothbrush to brush your teeth, making sure not to irritate the incision inside your mouth. There may be an incision underneath the chin which will require minimal care of the sutures. No contact sports or strenuous activity for four to six weeks.

How Much Does a Chin Reduction Cost?

Every person is unique, so an evaluation is necessary to properly estimate cost. However, most chin reductions will cost anywhere from $4,000 to $6,000 depending on factors like anesthesia and hospital fees.

We recommend you contact us to schedule a consultation with Dr. Payne, who is a board-certified plastic surgeon trained in maxillofacial surgery and a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.